London Politica

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Police crackdown ahead of presidential election condemned by opposition

A police crackdown underway in Chad ahead of the presidential election on 11 April has been condemned by the National Union for Democracy and Renewal’s Saleh Kebzabo, the nation’s main opposition leader.

Incumbent President Idriss Deby, who has ruled Chad since 1990, is facing increasing opposition to his rule as a result of COVID-19, the 2020 slump in oil prices, and the government’s struggles with armed militants in the north of the country. Anti-regime demonstrations have been ongoing for a month.

Chad is a member of the G5 Sahel force, and Deby is an important French ally in the battle against Islamist extremists.

Kebzabo called on the public to boycott the vote and prevent the holding of the election and withdrew from the race. Three other candidates have also withdrawn. 

Deby is likely to hold on for a sixth successive term, but increasing unrest is expected.