Lauren Chan

Research Director, China Watch, London Politica

Lauren is a Research Director at London Politica, and runs our China Watch Research Programme. Lauren is also a Research Analyst at Civic Exchange, an environmental policy think tank in Hong Kong which works to mobilise support for decarbonisation through research and advocacy. She recently graduated from the University of Cambridge with a degree in Human, Social and Political Sciences, specialising in Politics and International Relations.

Her research interests revolve around global environmental policy and its intersection with diplomatic relations, the politics of international organisations, and international development. She is also fascinated by the Asia-Pacific region and Chinese foreign policy.

Lauren has previously advised a number of companies on sustainability strategy and environment-related risk. She also has prior experience in analysing Chinese foreign affairs.

If you are interested in collaborating with, or utilising the services of, London Politica’s China Watch Lauren can be reached via

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