Our Reports and Projects
Undertaken by our dedicated multidisciplinary teams of analysts, these are the end products of a variety of public-orientated projects that we regularly undertake on a range of topics.
Political Risk Forecasting
Climate Mitigation Analysis
Policy Reports
Geopolitical Assessments
Market-Orientated Briefers
Political Risk Forecasting Climate Mitigation Analysis Policy Reports Geopolitical Assessments Market-Orientated Briefers
Projects in 2025
Overlooked and Underappreciated Geopolitical Risks 2025
Overlooked and Underappreciated Geopolitical Risks 2025 examines critical yet underexplored risks shaping the global landscape. From economic fragility in Europe and climate-driven security threats in MENA to AI-fuelled disinformation and space militarisation, this report highlights the interconnected challenges that could escalate in 2025. It also analyses the expansion of terrorism, cryptocurrency deregulation, and biosecurity risks at the AI-synthetic biology frontier.
By offering insights into these emerging threats, the report provides decision-makers with the tools to anticipate vulnerabilities, strengthen resilience, and mitigate cascading geopolitical risks.
Projects in 2023
BRICS+ Expansion: De-Dollarisation on the Horizon
In light of the recent addition of Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates to the BRICS, the foundation for a currency to rival the U.S. dollar seems to be set. As more and more countries begin signing bilateral trade agreements to conduct trade in their respective currencies, instead of the dollar, the possibility that the dollar may lose its status as the world’s reserve currency does not seem totally out of the question.
This report conducts an historic, macroeconomic, and geopolitical analysis of the present situation and how the de-dollarisation process might evolve in the longer-term.
Energy Crisis in Africa: Examining Challenges and Solutions in Energy Development
The African continent has fallen behind in energy development and is struggling to catch up while facing the impending repercussions of climate change. In this report by Africa Watch, we aim to analyse some of the most pertinent drivers of the energy crisis, their impacts, and possible solutions. This collection of analysis examines Africa’s place in the world before the energy crisis, economic factors, ongoing political issues, and future prospects of clean energy transitions.
ASEAN’s Contested
Centrality: Geopolitics in the
This report aims to assess the role and significance of ASEAN within Indo-Pacific geopolitics, using the concept of ‘ASEAN Centrality’ as a lens through which to evaluate it. The concept of ‘centrality’ is a core part of the ASEAN Charter, positioning ASEAN at the centre of regional cooperation in the region.
Food Insecurity in Africa: Examining contributors & consequences across sectors
The problem of food insecurity in Africa is becoming increasingly severe, exacerbated by its intersection with other crises. In this report by Africa Watch, we investigate some of the most prevalent factors that contribute to this problem and their consequences, both in Africa and globally. By analysing the agriculture, economics, politics, and human security sectors, we identify the complexity of the issue and conclude that regional action alone is not sufficient to solve the problem. International cooperation is also necessary to tackle the issue of food insecurity in Africa.
Western Sahara Conflict: Geopolitics of Natural Resources, Foreign Actors and Humanitarian Impact
This collaborative report between the Middle East Watch and Conflict & Security Watch Programmes, undertakes an intensive examination of the conflict in Western Sahara. Covering the conflict’s historical, economic and humanitarian dimensions, the report explains the decades-long Moroccan sovereign claims over Western Sahara and highlights the critical humanitarian and economic risks emerging from the conflict.
Overlooked Political Risks For 2023
Our yearly report specialising in the under-appreciated and overlooked political and geopolitical risks that have a global impact, yet are flying just under the radar.
Projects in 2022
Mapping Transnational Organised Crime: A critical approach to organised crime risk
This special report with the Conflict and Security Watch examines the risks that stem from transnational organised crime activities. Taking a case study approach, we explore some of the most pervasive criminal markets including those of illicit drugs, arms, charcoal, timber, and most devastatingly, humans. From these analyses, we find that organised crime can create or compound several threats to operations including undermining human rights consideration, sustainability initiatives, and fuelling corruption and conflict.
Russian Nuclear Diplomacy: Europe
An analysis of ROSATOM’s political and economic influence within Europe
As Western sanctions against Russian energy continue to be negotiated and implemented, the question as to whether Russian nuclear energy will face a fate similar to that of its fossil fuel counterparts remains unclear.
In a joint project between London Politica’s Ukraine Watch and Global Commodities Watch, our team of analysts provide an in-depth report analysing Russia’s nuclear state-enterprise, ROSATOM, in order to assess their level of influence over Europe, focusing on the politics surrounding Russian nuclear and each country’s political economy. In analysing the 27 Member States, our researchers provide 9 country case studies - Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, and Turkey - all of which help to determine whether ROSATOM is on the rise or decline.
Exploring Russian Private Military Contractors: The growth, usage, structure, and characteristics of Russian PMCs through a comparative lens
This comprehensive report details the presence, contexts, and activities of various Russian PMCs operating in 20 countries across the globe. Through this, the paper seeks to provide a detailed accounting of their impact as well as provide insight into the origins of Russian PMC organisations, their particular relationships, the key actors among them, their operations, and utilisation by the Russian state, as well as other actors, through a comparative lens.
The Peruvian Perspective: Geoeconomic and Geopolitical risks in 2020s Latin America
This collaborative report analyses the risks and opportunities of the Latin American region from the perspective of Peru. With the increasing global importance of Latin America from economic, geopolitical, and humanitarian levels, this report provides a prognosis of the region’s current situation in crisis and how we can move forward. With highly renowned experts and public figures of Peruvian economics and politics Mercedes Aráoz, María Antonieta Alva, Farid Kahhat, Luis Miguel Castilla and Giaccomo Ugarelli, this joint multi-element report aims to shed light onto different perspectives and factors contributing to concerns, issues and lessons drawn from Latin America’s unique historical and global position.
Global Fertility: Forecasts and Impacts: An analysis of both fertility rates and their consequent impacts across the world
This comprehensive data-driven report aims to analyse and forecast fertility rates from a diverse selection of 7 different countries around the world; Argentina, US, Spain, Cameroon, Nepal, Republic of Korea, and Malayasia. We then analyse the expected impact and what tihs means from a social, economic, political and geopolitical perspective before offering viable mitigation strategies.
Türkiye: Rise or Stall? An overview of Türkiye’s global and regional power status
This report provides an overview and outline of Türkiye’s hard and soft power through its global and regional influence.
On the Brink?: An Analytical Overview of China-Taiwan and Lessons from Ukraine
A comprehensive comparative report and forecast on the China-Taiwan dispute and how the Russian invasion of Ukraine might impact, parallel, or inform current rising tensions.
Too Hot to Handle?: EU Inflation and the Energy Crisis
A Special report on the macroeconomic challenges and energy crisis facing the EU within the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Geopolitics of Sport: An analysis of where geopolitics and sport collide
A comprehensive study into the nexus between sport and geopolitics, through the lens of 14 key sports. We explore how sports are tools of softpower, protest, political legitimacy and the subjects of sanctions and political disputes.
Demography of War: An analysis of the demographic context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Our in-depth analysis covering the demographics of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We delve into who in Russia is supporting the war, fighting in it, funding it, and its impact on European demographics.
ChildAid to Eastern Europe Ukraine Project: Overview of the impacts of the war in Ukraine on child welfare
A report London Politica created for ChildAid to Eastern Europe, which they have kindly allowed to be publicly published to help others involved in the growing Humanitarian crisis stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The report broadly analyses three key issues relating to children in the conflict: the immediate impact of the conflict on children and single mothers, the impact of being outside of education, the short and long term impacts on children’s mental health.
Risks of An Increasingly Digitalised World
Our digital risks report covering cryptocurrency and social media-related issues and implications.
Strategic Assessment of the Commodity Markets
A comprehensive political risk and market report focusing on 16 of the world’s most critical raw resources
Overlooked Political Risks for 2022- The Politicization of “Everything”
Pressing or emerging political and geopolitical risks with a global impact, that have flown under the radar.
Projects in 2021
Top Risks of 2021 Report
Our forecast for the top 10 risks of 2021 from across the globe.
Climate Change Proposals in the EU, the US, and China
Analysis of the opportunities and challenges for tackling climate change.
COVID-19 Vaccine: Global Supply Chain Security Concerns
This report outlines several domains in which external risks are most likely to interfere with COVID-19 vaccine supply chains.
Projects in 2020
Religious Fundamentalism in South-East Asia
Our analysis examining the risks and challenges posed by religious fundamentalism in South-East Asia, and how various governments have tried to tackle them.
Latin America in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Our report into Latin America’s economic, political, and humanitarian outlook.