Caleb Adegbola
Senior Research Analyst, ESG Watch, London Politica
Caleb Adegbola is a senior analyst and member of the ESG watch at London Politica. Alongside his role at London Politica, Caleb works as a research assistant for Westminster Forum Projects, focusing largely on social policy and employment forums.
He completed his undergraduate study in Politics and International Relations at the University of Reading. He is now studying for his master’s degree in Public Policy at the University of Reading, focusing on high-level policy analysis, and increasing his qualitative and quantitative research skills. In addition to sustainability and the green agenda, he also maintains an interest in world politics, and hegemony, particularly African affairs.
Caleb is currently co-leading the Nigerian elections project, comprehensively analysing the various factors that will impact the election and overseeing the publishing of research articles produced by research analysts.
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