Camille Victor
Senior Research Analyst, Africa Watch, London Politica
Camille is a Senior Analyst for the Africa Watch Programme at London Politica, and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Conflict, Security and Development at King’s College London. She holds a BSc in Political Science, with a specialisation in International Relations and Organisations, from Leiden University. Her academic research interests lie in political violence, civil wars, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, child soldiers and non-state armed groups. Her undergraduate dissertation explored the failure of peacebuilding mechanisms to prevent human rights abuses committed by Mali’s security forces, focusing on the role of transitional justice, accountability enforcement and human rights education.
Camille also worked part-time as a Research Associate for LINKS Europe, an NGO specialising in conflict-resolution and confidence-building measures, for which she monitored and analysed key political and security developments unfolding in the Sahel and North Africa. She also worked twice as a Research Assistant for Dr. van der Haer from Leiden University on projects with Save the Children and PRIO, which principally entailed coding and analysing data on child soldiers recruited by non-state and state actors in armed conflict.
If you are interested in collaborating with, or securing the services of, London Politica’s Africa Watch Camille can be reached via
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