London Politica

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Europe in a Neomedieval World  

Europe is confronted with an era where nation-states are losing their traditional dominance and new power centres are materialising. This is leading to significant changes to the continent’s economic, political, social and cultural landscapes.

This report assesses the role of Europe in an international system that is becoming increasingly more neomedieval in its character. Neomedievalism is a theoretical concept that draws comparisons between the current global order and the medieval one, where political authority was fragmented and dispersed among various actors and where the global system becomes more complex and unpredictable. The report will explore the ways in which the world is shifting towards a neomedieval system; analyse how Europe will shape and be shaped by neomedieval trends; and propose strategic responses that will assist governments and businesses that must adapt to this landscape.

As we stand on the cusp of this evolving order, it becomes imperative to reflect on the lessons of the past to forge a future that is adaptable, interconnected, and equipped to address the challenges and opportunities of a neomedieval world.