Too Hot to Handle?: EU Inflation and the Energy Crisis
Special report on the macroeconomic challenges and energy crisis facing the EU
This special report delves into the economic and energy challenges facing the European Union informed by the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The report tackles five key areas:
1) ‘The problem’- What is the nature and causes of the high infaltion affecting Europe
2) ‘The response’- What has the EU done, on the collective and member-state level to tackle the situation?
3) ’The implications’- What does the evolving macroeconomic situation mean for the EU going forward? What are the key short and medium term risks?
4) ‘The windfalls’- What factors could mitigate the worst effects of the crisis and help the EU come through successfully?
5) ‘The opportunities’- What are the potential benefits to be reaped by the EU in the mid-to-long term by overcoming the crisis?