Peter Fawley London Politica Peter Fawley London Politica

Nickel and Dime: The Philippines' Approach to Attracting Western Capital


Aware of the integral role of critical minerals in clean energy systems and other modern technologies, the Philippines has begun courting Western investment to develop its domestic critical mineral industry. The country has vast reserves of untapped natural resources, including nickel, a critical component of electric vehicle (EV) batteries. According to the International Energy Agency, global demand for nickel is expected to increase by approximately 65% by the end of the decade. The Philippines stands to financially benefit from the expected surge of demand for nickel in the coming years, but must first build the requisite infrastructure (e.g., mines, refining plants, processing facilities, transport hubs, etc.) to realise the economic potential of this mineral resource.


To attract increased foreign investment, the Philippines is positioning itself as an alternative to China in the global nickel supply chain. This stance draws from the rationale that the United States (U.S.) and other Western countries will want to diversify their critical mineral supply chains away from China given contemporary security concerns with China and its dominance over nickel supplies and processing capabilities. Such a strategy has both geopolitical and economic implications, especially as it relates to strategic trading and investment blocs that reflect the U.S.-China power competition. By aligning with Western interests, the Philippines aims to bolster its economic growth while contributing to a more balanced global supply chain for critical minerals.


Nickel Industry in the Philippines

The Philippines is currently the world’s second-largest supplier of nickel, accounting for 11% of global production. The country’s nickel exports are expected to increase over the next couple of years to meet growing global demand, particularly in the EV sector. However, this outlook depends on how the country navigates other political and economic factors, including (1) volatility in market prices; (2) trade relations and international partnerships; (3) ability to attract foreign investment; (4) the implementation of government policies that promote industry development; and (5) environmental, social, and governance considerations. The Philippines Government has seemingly decided that, at its current stage, the best way to develop the country’s nickel production capacity is by focusing on boosting foreign investment in the domestic nickel industry.


Investment Strategy

Indonesia is the largest global supplier of nickel, producing over 40% of the world’s nickel in 2023. Approximately 90% of Indonesia’s nickel industry is controlled by Chinese companies, giving China a dominant market position over nickel. The market concentration of this critical mineral has caused unease and consternation amongst Western nations that fear China may leverage this control over the global nickel supply chain to their disadvantage. The Philippines, which itself has experienced escalating tensions with China over territorial claims in the South China Sea, has leveraged this fear, attempting to use it to spur greater foreign investment in their own nickel industry. Through this investment, the Philippine government hopes to develop the domestic nickel sector, especially as it relates to downstream processing, where most of the value-added occurs. The investment strategy comes amid a broader effort to augment economic ties and foster greater alignment with the U.S. and its allies, although the country is still open to Chinese investment. Government officials in Manila have shared that the U.S., Australia, Britain, Canada, and European Union have all expressed interest in directing investment to the Philippines’ nickel sector.


To date, there have been a few initiatives to advance the Philippines’ nickel industry. In late 2023, government officials from the Philippines and the U.S. signed a Memorandum of Understanding that provided $5 million to set up a technical assistance programme to develop the Philippines’ critical mineral sector. The leaders of the U.S., Japan, and the Philippines also held an economic security summit in April 2024 that featured discussions on strengthening critical mineral supply chains. Similarly, there have been preliminary talks about a trilateral arrangement in which the Philippines would supply raw nickel, the U.S. would provide financing, and a third country (e.g., Australia) would offer the technology necessary to process and refine the nickel. However, thus far, these discussions have yielded little in the way of concrete financing or investment initiatives that would provide notable benefit to the industry.


Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Implications

While the U.S. and its allies support a diversification of the global nickel supply chain, their ability to shift the paradigm will likely prove to be a difficult undertaking. Strengthening the Philippines’ nickel mining, processing, and refining capacity up to a level in which it will be able to recapture significant market share from Indonesia and China will require a huge amount of economic and political resources. This is something most countries will shy away from incurring in an important election year. For example, the U.S. has communicated its reluctance to sign a critical minerals agreement amidst the 2024 U.S. presidential race. Further, countries will not want to antagonise China and risk retaliation, given that many economies currently rely on China for the production and processing of critical minerals and their downstream technologies.


As a result of major Chinese investment and technological innovation, Indonesia’s production of nickel has notably increased in recent years. This flood of new nickel supplies has put downward pressure on global nickel prices and crowded out competition from entering the market. With slumping prices, it may be a challenge to attract sufficient foreign financing without a policy framework or safeguards that could inspire greater investor confidence. A potential remedy could be regulatory policies and tax incentives that favour non-Chinese companies. Nevertheless, the economic development associated with increased nickel production is integral to the Philippines economy, so the country does not want to alienate Chinese investors if they prove to be the best path forward.


Concluding Remarks

The Philippines’ strategic efforts to develop its nickel industry through Western investment illustrate the dynamics of economic ambition and geopolitical considerations. By positioning itself as a viable alternative to the China-dominated Indonesian nickel industry, the Philippines aims to leverage global security concerns to increase investment in its domestic nickel sector. However, the realisation of this ambition will hinge on overcoming significant political and economic challenges, such as fluctuating prices and dynamic geopolitical tensions. As the country navigates these hurdles, the outcome of its initiatives will significantly impact its role in the global critical minerals supply chain, shaping future economic and strategic alignments.

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Julia Pollo, Peter Fawley London Politica Julia Pollo, Peter Fawley London Politica

Mexico’s Election Impact on Energy Policy


On 2nd June 2024, Claudia Sheinbaum made history by being elected as Mexico’s first female president. With a strong academic background, Sheinbaum is a physicist holding a doctorate in energy engineering and was part of the Nobel Peace Prize winning UN panel on climate change. Sheinbaum’s economic agenda aims to capitalise on the opportunities presented by American nearshoring efforts, contingent on a stable and expanding energy supply. 

Mexico is one of the largest oil suppliers in the world, having produced 1.6 million barrels daily in 2022. The country is also ranked 13th in the global crude oil output. Whilst Sheinbaum has promised to accelerate Mexico’s clean energy transition and aims to generate 50% of its energy from renewables by 2030, most spectators are divided. Some hope her scientific background will lead to a greater emphasis on clean energy, while others fear she might follow the policies of her predecessor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who invested heavily in bolstering fossil fuel-reliant state energy companies, PEMEX (Petróleos Mexicanos) and CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad). 

Regardless of her position on energy transition, Sheinbaum faces the challenge of restoring investor confidence, which was shaken during López Obrador’s administration. Without this achievement, the new leader cannot guarantee Mexico’s energy stability and it could jeopardise the country’s commitment under the US - Mexico - Canada Agreement (USMCA) and the Paris Agreement.

Mexico’s gas supply, traditionally dominated by PEMEX, faced disruptions due to declining production and pipeline congestions. An energy reform in 2013 allowed private firms to enter the gas market to boost market competition and supply reliability. However, under López Obrador, the private sector participation was viewed as a threat, and efforts were allocated to prioritise PEMEX’s production. Currently, the company is the most indebted oil corporation in the world, with its stocks having a -5.74% 3-year return, compared to +11.48% from other companies in the same period and sector. 

Considerations for Sheinbaum’s Energy Strategy

Sheinbaum has a decision to make regarding the energy future of Mexico. There is a confluence of energy-related factors that Sheinbaum will need to consider early in her administration, such as increasing domestic energy demands, pressure from environmental groups and international climate regimes, a deepened reliance on energy imports from abroad, and foreign companies’ dissatisfaction with the state’s current control of the energy sector.

Sheinbaum has long supported the state-centric energy policies of the previous administration, including legislative amendments that rolled back the 2013 constitutional reforms that helped liberalise the Mexican energy sector. Nevertheless, while Sheinbaum continues to defend the energy policies of the previous López Obrador administration, she is more pragmatic than her predecessor, which may provide a path for potential policy change to deal with the various energy issues facing her administration.

One area where Sheinbaum differs from López Obrador is the role of renewable energy sources in Mexico’s energy mix. Sheinbaum has a robust environmental pedigree and has published extensively on the clean energy transition. During her time as mayor of Mexico City, she implemented clean energy infrastructure and electrified transportation modalities. Furthermore, according to her campaign platform, she is committed to progressing Mexico’s clean energy transition and decarbonising the economy. However, climate progress under the Sheinbaum administration is likely to be tempered by fossil fuel supporters. Mexico still strongly depends on the oil and gas industry for its energy needs, accounting for over 80% of its energy mix in 2022. Understanding the necessity of oil and gas for the domestic economy, Sheinbaum has championed domestic oil production and supports the central role of PEMEX in the energy sector.

Source: IEA (2024)

As Mexican energy sovereignty will likely continue to be a focus for Sheinbaum’s administration, issues related to weak foreign direct investment in the Mexican energy industry are likely to persist. Under the current policy framework, private industry does not have an incentive to invest in exploration and production activities in Mexico. Lax private investment coupled with recent financial struggles at PEMEX may result in insufficient investment in Mexico’s energy infrastructure and increased reliance on energy imports. Therefore, to address the increased domestic energy demands, Sheinbaum may alter the government's prevailing energy strategy to ensure sustainable and robust energy supplies by providing private companies more control/access to the energy sector.

There are also broader trade implications regarding Sheinbaum’s potential approach to Mexico’s energy strategy, particularly how it impacts the country’s relationship with the US. The US Trade Representative communicated to its Mexican counterpart that the legislative amendments passed under the López Obrador administration violated investment provisions stipulated by the USMCA, leading the US to open dispute settlement consultations to address the issue. If a negotiated agreement is not reached, the US could invoke trade sanctions targeting Mexico in response. Failure to reaffirm Mexico’s commitment to the trade agreement could also lead to neglect of economic opportunities stemming from American nearshoring efforts.

The outcome of the 2024 U.S. presidential election will undoubtedly further impact Mexico’s energy sector, especially as it relates to trade and investment. Sheinbaum’s industrial policy plans and interest in promoting a green economy align with Biden’s focus on the clean energy transition and nearshoring efforts. Conversely, a Trump White House may provide a more hostile and coercive environment for Sheinbaum to operate within.


Given the current instability affecting the early stage of Claudia Sheinbaum’s administration, companies and investors need to adapt their current strategy to seize the right set of circumstances for their business. 

Despite the undefined agenda for energy public policies and the ongoing debate between energy transition and oil investment, Sheinbaum will need to prioritise a stable domestic energy supply. Therefore, companies that want to be aligned with the government's agenda should invest in projects focused on new technologies that bolster domestic production or increase resilience.

Foreign companies may have concerns about the continuation of policies aligned with López Obrador’s approach, especially given the limited or even absent participation of private investment in Mexican oil companies in recent years. To mitigate this risk, companies can engage and promote public-private partnerships, which can foster joint ventures. However, joint ventures can present risk in the case of the nationalisation of foreign companies, but this is unlikely to occur under Sheinbaum’s presidency. Investors should focus on sectors that are likely to receive government support, such as technologies that enhance energy independence or generate a constant supply.

It is important to mention that there will be clearer indications if Sheinbaum will prioritise climate commitments or follow the steps of her predecessor in due course. Additionally, the outcome of the US elections is likely to significantly impact the country’s energy policy framework.

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