Assessing the Pemuda Pancasila, a Right-Wing Indonesian Paramilitary

By Jonah Lo


With an estimated nine million members, Pemuda Pancasila (PP) is one of Indonesia’s most formidable paramilitary organisations, straddling the line between legitimate social organisation and violent gang. Alongside seemingly benign activities such as community programs and electoral campaigning, the PP maintains a strong presence in extortion, gang violence, and coercion. Through an analysis of PP’s physical infrastructure, activities, and political connections in Jakarta and Medan, this report reveals that the PP has sustained remarkable organisational resilience despite occasional police crackdowns. Its ability to operate with relative impunity raises critical concerns for businesses and civil society navigating Southeast Asia's largest economy.

Executive Summary 

  • The Pemuda Pancasila (PP) is a large youth paramilitary group in Indonesia with a substantial track record of violence.

  • Today, the PP engages in a wide range of peaceful enterprises and low-level violence, while also possessing broad political influence.

  • Analysis on the physical infrastructure of the PP within the cities of Medan and Jakarta indicates that the organisation remains a strong, possibly expanding, force in Indonesian society.


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